4 Great Reasons to Book Direct

Best Rate Guarantee

When you book on our official website you will save up to €15 per night. 

On our official website you’ll find the most flexible cancellation policies available.

You’ll pay during your stay. No need to pay a security deposit.

We will automatically give priority to guests who book on our official website. That means if we have a room upgrade available as a direct booker you’re more likely to get it.


Discover Dublin

From Dublin City Escapes, family trips to the zoo, girls’ getaway breaks or perhaps just a relaxing weekend enjoying our Iveagh Bistro and Chesterfield Brasserie, we have something for everyone.  

Gift Vouchers

The Perfect Gift

Treat someone special to a luxurious dreamy night in Dublin City. Our gift vouchers can be redeemed for accommodation, a delicious dining experience in our Chesterfield Brasserie, or a casual meal in our Iveagh Bistro.

Best Rate Guarantee

Our Promise to You

When you book on our official website we will always give you a better price than any online travel agent or price comparison website, we GUARANTEE your booking will be cheaper.